more drum sample at bottom of page; zils coming soon

How to listen to music for dance


drum and percussion

incorporated into all classes

Increase understanding of the rhythm and structure of music by learning how to hear it, and by actually playing it.

Learn specific patterns. Have fun varying tempo, texture, and volume.

Interlock patterns. Compose original compositions based on the specific rhythms.

Fun solo or group endeavor.

Simultaneously challenging and relaxing.

Finger Cymbals (zils)—versatile portable instruments—solo or accompanying. Incredible range of texture. Enlivening and soothing. Vary volume and tempo. Challenging: dance and zil simultaneously!

Finger cymbals and more…

  • hand holding finger cymbals

    finger cymbals

  • wooden drums

    custom made wooden drums

  • riq or tambourine

    mira playing the riq

Additional samples